Environmental Resource Inventory
The Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) for the Borough of Franklin Lakes was developed over the period from April of 2008 to August of 2009. It was prepared by Princeton Hydro, LLC., with the assistance of the Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission. The ERI was formally adopted into the Borough's Master Plan by unanimous vote of the Borough's Planning Board on August 5, 2009. The cost of preparing the ERI was funded in part with a Smart Growth Planning Grant from the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissioners (ANJEC).
The ERI is a comprehensive compilation of text, maps and geographic information system (GIS) data that fully describe the Borough’s key environmental resources. As well as presenting factual information concerning these resources, this ERI also provides information and guidance pursuant to the protection, preservation and conservation of these resources. The primary objective of this document is the accurate presentation of resource spatial and statistical information in a framework that assists the Borough in future planning decisions.
To view the text of the ERI, click on the links below.