Clubs & Organizations

Would you like to be involved? Here is a list of organizations you can contact.

 New Jersey Audubon – Lorrimer Sanctuary

New Jersey Audubon – Lorrimer Sanctuary

790 Ewing Ave Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417


Graciously bequeathed to the New Jersey Audubon Society by Ms. Lucine L. Lorrimer in 1956, Lorrimer Sanctuary is nestled amidst the hustle and bustle of Bergen County. The Sanctuary’s 14 acres provide respite from suburban life with its woodlands and field habitats. Visitors to Lorrimer Sanctuary can spend time in our Welcome Center where there are exhibits, live animals, and a gift shop as well as meander along out three trails, including our ADA compliant Field Trail. All trails have self-guided maps and interpretive information showcasing the history, wildlife, and ecology of the area. New Jersey Audubon is committed to Connecting People with Nature and Stewarding the Nature of Today for the People of Tomorrow.

Lorrimer Sanctuary | New Jersey Audubon (

 Franklin Lakes Chamber of Commerce

"Making our Community Better One Day at a Time"
Looking to reach and promote your business to others in our town for less than a cup of coffee or tea a day. Join the Franklin Lakes Chamber if you are serious about growing your business in Franklin Lakes. First, we conduct a ribbon cutting ceremony with the Chamber President and the Mayor as a we welcome you into our town and get the word out about your new business. Second, your business is included in a letter mailed to new residential and commercial properties each month in Franklin Lakes. Each member that joins the Chamber of Commerce will be included in individual welcome baskets personally delivered by our president to new home owners and businesses.

Should you have further questions feel free to contact:
All business are welcome to join the Chamber at  Most profiles are approved within 24-72 business hours. Should you have further questions, feel free to contact:
Ryan Fillweber, VP of Membership:
Brandon Blanchet, VP of Events:
Quan Sun, VP of YPN:
Corey LaCoppola, VP of YPN:
John Morley, Chamber President:
(973) 394-1000, ext. 108.  We are Making Our Community Better One Day at a Time.

 Senior Citizens Club

The Franklin Lakes Seniors, Inc.
P.O. Box 399
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
The Franklin Lakes Seniors, Inc. is an organization open to all residents 62 years of age or older. They meet on the first  and third Wednesdays of each month at 12:30 PM at the Bender Court Firehouse/Senior Citizen Center.  Residents wishing to join our organization may do so by attending a meeting and filling out a brief form.
For more information, click here

 Franklin Lakes Branch of the Valley Hospital Auxiliary

The Franklin Lakes Branch of The Valley Hospital Auxiliary supports the Auxiliary with a three-fold mission: volunteer service, liaisons between the hospital and the community, and fundraising. Franklin Lakes is one of 12 branches that represent the towns Valley serves in our community. Chairs of these  branches make up the Central Board of the Auxiliary. All proceeds from Branch and Auxiliary fundraisers benefit the Auxiliary’s pledge to raise $3 million to establish the Pediatric Section of the Emergency Department in The Valley Hospital in Paramus and $100,000 for Valley Home Care’s endowment for Butterflies, an in-home, pediatric palliative and hospice care program for seriously ill children. For additional information, visit

 Franklin Lakes Lions Club Lions Club Foundation
The Franklin Lakes Lions Club Foundation is a 501-C3 charitable organization of men and women dedicated to raising funds to support organizations that provide services to the blind, handicapped and the less fortunate. The money we raise comes from donations by caring people like you and through various fund raising events. Our current projects include: a Casino Night, Wine Tasting Dinner, 50/50 Drawing and Carnival.

Over the years, 100% of those revenues have gone to support our community through local charities and enabled us to support the following organizations in the past.

Come join our group of dedicated volunteers. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Indian Trail Club. Please e-mail us if you would like to join us. For more information e-mail us at


 Franklin Lakes Parks and Recreation Foundation (FLPRF)

Originally founded in 1996 as the Franklin Lakes Youth and Recreation Foundation and relaunched in 2017 as the Franklin Lakes Parks and Recreation Foundation, we are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that raises money for the benefit of the parks and recreational programs in the Borough. We are proud to have contributed monies toward a variety of projects such as the re-turfing of Pulis Field, the Municipal Field House, and the Old Mill Woodlands Dog Park to name just a few. Additionally, the FLPRF makes an annual contribution to the 12U Franklin Lakes Cooperstown baseball team as well as awards two high school seniors a college scholarship each year. If you would like to make a donation please send to: Franklin Lakes Parks and Recreation Foundation, PO Box 406, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417. 

Please follow us on Instagram or email Thank you for your generous and continued support!

 Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey serves Franklin Lakes and the surrounding communities. Girls ages 5-17 are welcome to join a troop or group in their area, or join as an individual Girl Scout and take part in council events and programs ranging from math and science, environment and nature, leadership development and much more. Adults are welcome to join Girl Scouts as volunteers in any number of capacities from troop leaders to program instructors or trainers. For more information about our girl programs and adult volunteer opportunities, please contact Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey at 973-248-8200 or visit

 Mayors Wellness Campaign

The Mayors Wellness Campaign is an initiative of the New Jersey League of Municipalities throughout New Jersey’s cities and towns. As Mayor of Franklin Lakes, health and well-being of our residents is very important to me and this campaign is the first step to getting our town on the road to active living and healthier lifestyles.


We have organized a diverse and energetic committee to plan events and activities to achieve this goal as well as to increase our sense of community. Please consider joining these residents, health professionals, businesses and friends of Franklin Lakes Mayors Wellness campaign. E-mail Mayor at

We look forward to working with you to make Franklin Lakes the healthiest place it can be and the best hometown anywhere! Click here for program information.

 Meals on Wheels

Pascack Valley Meals on Wheels (PVMOW) is a non-profit organization of volunteers. They have been providing meals delivered for the needs of housebound residents since 1972. Residents who are unable to shop or no longer can cook for themselves may request this service for a small monthly fee. Meals are delivered mid-day Monday through Friday, except on Thanksgiving, Christmas and  New Year's Day. Special dietary meals are developed by dietitians from Christian Health Care.  

If you are a Franklin Lakes resident who needs this service, contact Ms. Jeanne Martin at 201-358-0050 or Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. 

PVMOW will not deliver for these holidays: Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, President's day (February), Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day.

To learn more visit the website at

 Franklin Lakes Neighborhood Club

The Franklin Lakes Neighborhood Club is here to help you connect with your neighbors. If you've been a long time resident or just moved to town, our goal is to make Franklin Lakes your home. Find us on Facebook under Franklin Lakes Newcomers and Neighbors Club and check our activities and events.

For more information contact:
     Club Questions:

 Rotary Club (Oakland-Franklin Lakes)

P.O. Box 42
Oakland, New Jersey   07436
Meets: 6:30 PM every Tuesday at Portabello Restaurant in Oakland.

 Shadow Lake Club

Private Association with social memberships used for swimming, tennis, boating and fishing. For more information visit