Garbage and Recycling Contacts

Garbage & Recycling Hotline - 201-891-4000, extension 3700
If you have a garbage or recycling question or complaint call the Garbage & Recycling Hotline at 201-891-4000, extension 3700 or e-mail your issue to If calls or emails are made during off-hours, you will receive a response on the next scheduled workday.

Garbage or Recycling Not Collected?
If you are experiencing any issues with garbage or recycling:

  1. Contact Gaeta by phone at 973-278-6625, ext. 03 or by e-mail at
  2. If Gaeta is not responsive, you can contact the Borough's Recycling Coordinator, Nancy Durkin, who works at the Department of Public Works, at 201-891-4000, extension 3010, or

Nancy Durkin


Recycling Coordinator


201-891-4000, ext. 3010