From the Environmental Commission and Franklin Lakes United Methodist Church
The Franklin Lakes Community Garden at the corner of McBride Field next to the water building, needs volunteers to help plant vegetables for the coming summer season. Come for an hour or more, depending on your schedule.
The garden, a cooperative effort between the Borough of Franklin Lakes and the Methodist Food Bank, provides fresh vegetables for people in need or who have no place to grow them. Last year, the Garden's first, produced over 250 pounds of vegetables that went to the needy. Something we can all be proud to claim.
Students, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts or members of other student organizations can earn community service hours for work in the garden. The rest of us can be happy to dig in the dirt for a good cause. The Garden needs volunteers to keep it regularly harvested and weeded. Email either Lana King or Linda Altomare to offer some time, either individually or with family and friends. It's fun, and oh, so greatly appreciated!
Community Garden Brochure