Mayor and Council


 Mayor Charles J. X. Kahwaty

Email:  Mayor Kahwaty
Term Expires:  12/31/2026
Mayor Kahwaty's 2025 Annual Address

The Mayor is available to meet with residents. If you would like to schedule an appointment with the Mayor, please contact Deputy Borough Administrator, Lynette Sidoti at 201-891-4000, ext. 1204.

Mayor’s Dedicated Office Hours (by appointment only):

  • 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month - 10:00 AM to Noon
  • 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

 Council President Michele DeLuccia

Email:  Councilmember DeLuccia
Term Expires:  12/31/2027
Finance and Administration: Budgeting, Finance, Legal, Personnel, Employment Contracts, Tax Assessment, Insurance, Administration, Borough Clerk, Tax Collection and Public Relations


 Councilmember Joel Ansh

EmailCouncilmember Ansh
Term Expires:  12/31/2025
Public Works:  Department of Public Works, Roads and Grounds, Garbage and Recycling, Public Engineering, Utilities and Sewers


 Councilmember Ardith Cardenas

Email:  Councilmember Cardenas
Term Expires:  12/31/2025
Recreation & Parks:  Team Sports, Community Center, Parks and Fields, Mayors Wellness and Town Fair

 Councilmember Gail A. Kelly

Email:  Councilmember Gail A. Kelly
Term Expires:  12/31/2026
Environmental and Community Affairs:  Environmental Commission, Shade Tree Commission, Board of Health, Seniors, Board of Education, and Library


 Councilmember Constantine "Dean" Skamas

EmailCouncilmember Skamas
Term Expires:  12/31/2027
Planning & Development: Planning Board, Zoning Board, Building Department, Construction/Engineering and Affordable Housing

 Councilmember Gary Sheppard

Email:  Council President Sheppard
Term Expires:  12/31/2026
Public Saftey:  Fire, Police, Ambulance, Office of Emergency Management, Court and REACH