Face Mask Disposal

From the Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all of us to protect ourselves, and others, by wearing face masks whenever we are in close contact with other people. While the residents Franklin Lakes have responded well to this social imperative, we have inadvertently created another problem. Too many people are being careless with the disposal of their masks whether they be single-use or reusable. Face masks have found their way into our streams, rivers and oceans, quickly rivaling plastic as the world's chief water pollutant. 
The Environmental Commission is asking our residents to please redouble your efforts to dispose of your used masks safely, using only proper and garbage receptacles. Masks should never be dropped or discarded carelessly anywhere. We realize that, since they are small and light, it is easy to lose them when not attached to one's face. It is also unwise for good Samaritans to pick up masks since they can carry germs. We are asking you to be as careful with the disposal of your face mask as you have been in using them to reduce the spread of the awful disease we are trying to stop. And please - stay healthy!
Last updated 4/22/2021 9:15:58 AM