Message from the Mayor - Protecting Our Community

We live in a very safe town which has seen a steady decline in criminal activity over the last decade, thanks mostly to the Franklin Lakes Police Department, which is comprised of a fully staffed, well trained and accredited group of officers led by Chief Carmine Pezzuti and his team. We have supported their efforts with the hiring of additional officers, equipment, and technology to meet our growing needs.

This does not mean that we are immune to criminal activity. Most of the crime we have seen in Franklin Lakes relates to car thefts, as is the case in surrounding towns. Given that we have nearly 4,000 properties, protecting our homes and property is a joint effort - residents and police working together.

Through this e-blast and other forms of communication from the Borough, we constantly remind residents how they can help us protect our community. We will step up our efforts to respond to the recent car thefts.  However, we need you to help!  

Below is a message from our Police Chief. Please read it and pass it along to family members and friends. If we work together, we can minimize the risks and keep our community safe.

As usual, I am happy to take your calls and discuss this in further detail as is Chief Pezzutti. Just give us a call.

Frank Bivona
Cell 201-788-8039

Last updated 10/3/2021 3:27:33 PM