On Tuesday, June 20, the Mayor and Council adopted comprehensive amendments to its Tree Removal and Replacement ordinance which reinforce the Mayor and Council’s commitment to preserving the tree canopy in the Borough - Ordinance 1918 - Tree Removal and Replacement Amendments.
The Mayor and Council worked with the Borough’s Shade Tree Commission to amend the Borough’s tree ordinances to more effectively deter property owners, developers, contractors and tree contractors from removing more trees than necessary and to better maintain the tree canopy. The approach is multi-pronged, and includes the following key elements:
- Require tree replacement – For the most part, except for trees removed that are hazardous, dead or dying, or that are located within the footprint of a new structure or an addition, trees that are removed must be replaced.
- New tree replacement schedule – For each tree removed, depending on the diameter of the tree, it must be replaced with one or more trees, based on the schedule in the ordinance. Trees 34 inches in diameter or more must be replaced with 9 trees.
- Stricter penalties – Fines for violations of the ordinance range from $500 to $5,000 per tree, as well as tree replacement in accordance with the schedule.
- Contractors and tree care businesses can be fined – In addition to property owners, this ordinance provides that contractors and tree care businesses may also be fined.
- Remove “loopholes” – Eliminate provisions which allow for tree removal for new construction outside of the area needed for the new construction.
The Borough recently contracted with a new Tree Specialist, ED Arborists and Foresters, and they are charged with enforcing the Borough’s ordinances on tree removal and replacement. The Borough and its Tree Specialist are focused on stopping unnecessary tree removal. Failing to obtain required permits now will result in significant consequences. Compliance is the Borough’s ultimate objective.
Michael Tulp, the Borough’s Shade Tree Commission Chair, has given his thanks to Mayor Kahwaty, the Borough Council, and the Shade Tree Commission, stating that "the amendments are a modernization of sorts in keeping with strong sustainability criteria."
Knowing the importance of the Borough's tree canopy and how it "benefits all our residents," Michael Tulp is confident that the recent amendments "will have continuing benefits long into the future of the community."
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