Franklin Lakes Named a 2022 "New Jersey Healthy Town to Watch" - updated 3/23/23


The Mayors Wellness Campaign (MWC) is a program of the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute in partnership with the New Jersey State League of Municipalities announced seventeen towns designated as "2022 Healthy Towns to Watch."

Each year, communities participating in the MWC complete a comprehensive Healthy Town Application outlining the research they’ve done to identify their community health needs and explaining how they have organized their local MWC committee. The application also highlights the actions the towns have taken to make their communities healthier places to live, work, and play.

Franklin Lakes is receiving a Healthy Town to Watch Designation for the third year in a row. In addition to extensive recreation and mental wellness programming, the Borough incorporates volunteerism and charitable donations into its activities. This extends access to all residents and creates community connectedness.

“I’m delighted, but not surprised, that Franklin Lakes has been awarded, again, a Healthy Town to Watch silver award. Beginning with former Mayor Frank Bivona’s Wellness Campaign, and led by our Community Director Dina Robinson, Franklin Lakes has been committed to improving the health and wellbeing of its residents through a variety of programs. Congratulations to all involved in this outstanding program,” said Mayor Charles Kahwaty.

Last updated 6/12/2023