Mayor and Council Reorganizes
Pictured: Councilmember Gail A. Kelly, being sworn in by Mayor Charles J.X. Kahwaty. Daniel Di Mond, Ambulance Corps 3rd Lieutenant holding the Bible.
Pictured: Councilmember Gary Sheppard, accompanied by his family, being sworn in by Mayor Charles J.X. Kahwaty
Pictured: Police Chief Mark McCombs was sworn in by Mayor Charles J.X. Kahwaty, with the Chief's family, and retired Captain Robert Lyon.
Pictured: Police Captain Robert Grassi was sworn in by Mayor Charles J.X. Kahwaty, with the Captain's family.
At its January 2, 2024 Reorganization Meeting, the Mayor and Council began the year with the swearing in of Councilpersons Gail Kelly and Gary Sheppard. To see photos of the Reorganization Meeting including the swearing in of the new Police Chief, Mark McCombs, the new Police Captain, Robert Grassi, the renaming of the Franklin Lakes Nature Preserve as the G. Thomas Donch Nature Preserve, the honoring of Donald Scine for his many years of service, the swearing in of Fire Department, Ambulance Corps and Emergency Management officers, and presentations of the 2023 Mayors Volunteer Awards, view the photo album. Mayor’s Annual Address.