Clean Up Day Thank You

From the Community Director and the Environmental Commission

Thank you to our many volunteers who came out Saturday, May 6 to help clean up Franklin Lakes. Neon yellow shirts were everywhere, carrying special biodegradable bags to contain the trash they collected. The photos tell it all. Small children through high school students, parents, teachers and concerned residents scoured the woods, streets and trails throughout the morning leaving a mountain of bags for the Franklin Lakes DPW to collect. Ramsey Outdoor employees on duty at the Franklin Lakes Nature Preserve rowed the circumference of the reservoir pulling debris from the water. A special thanks to them.

The Clean Up could not have taken place without the support of the Environmental Commission, our residents, Mayor Kahwaty, and Council members who visited each site to help and cheer on the volunteers, the Recreation and Parks Department who sorted and prepared for the day, and the Franklin Lakes Clean Communities Director Larry Sellitti.

Clean Up Day is supported by New Jersey’s Clean Communities Council whose support encourages all municipalities to take pride in their towns by devoting one day to “cleaning up.” Thank you, Franklin Lakes residents, and a special thanks to Ms. Wen and Ms. Zysk from Woodside Elementary School for joining your students and teaching them the importance of environmental sciences. Photo album.

See you next year!

See you next year!