Back to School Traffic Safety Tips

From the Police Department
In a continuing effort to ensure traffic safety through education and enforcement, the Franklin Lakes Police Department would like to remind all residents that the beginning of a new school year is a very exciting time for your child, but it can also be very dangerous. The fact that there are more children on the road each morning and afternoon, coupled with fewer daylight hours elevates this danger. The Franklin Lakes Police Department offers the following safety tips and encourages all motorists, parents, and students to practice safe driving and pedestrian habits.  

Tips for Motorists:

  • Slow down, and obey all traffic laws and speed limits
  • “STOP” for pedestrians in crosswalks
  • Always stop for a school bus that has stopped to load/unload children.
  • Obey crossing guards and do not block crosswalks at intersections
  • Be alert and ready to stop. Watch for children, especially where there are no sidewalks.
  • Obey all school zone parking regulations, they are there to protect your children
Tips for Parents:
  • Help children learn and practice the safety rules for walking, bicycling or riding in a passenger car or school bus.
  • Supervise young children as they are walking or biking to school.
  • Be a good role model. Always buckle up and cross in a crosswalk.
Tips for Students:
  • Remember to ALWAYS buckle up when riding in a car.
  • Always ride in the back seat. It’s the safest place for young people.
  • Always wear a helmet and follow safety rules when riding your bike.
  • If you ride the school bus, learn and practice the safety rules for waiting at the bus stop, getting on and off the bus, and riding the bus.
  • If you walk to school, learn to practice the safety rules for pedestrians. ALWAYS cross at crosswalks, look both ways for on-coming traffic, obey all traffic signs, traffic lights and crossing guard’s instructions.