Car Thefts and Home Burglaries
There have been suggestions recently that notifications be sent out to residents any time a car is stolen or a home is burglarized to advise residents to secure their vehicles and dwellings. Typically, the incident would be long over by the time such public notice could be sent out and often is long over by the time it is reported to Police. Such messages, therefore, would serve no public safety purpose.
While it may serve as a reminder to some to lock their car or secure their home, the risk of alarming other residents would mitigate any benefit. Multiple warnings and announcements have been sent out via Nixle, eblast and posted on the Borough’s website imploring residents to protect their homes and vehicles by locking them, including the following message that was sent out several months ago in response to a similar suggestion:
It is imperative that when suspicious activity, no matter how benign it may seem, is observed, please call the police. If there is a question in your mind as to whether or not to place a call, PLEASE make the call – 201-891-3131.
As always, I am willing to meet directly with any resident that has these or any other concerns. Feel free to reach out to me.
Police Chief Carmine Pezzuti
201-891-4000, ext. 2010