Garbage Can Sizes Allowed

One of the big issues that Gaeta has with garbage collection is that residents are using large 96-gallon garbage receptacles for their garbage. These over-sized receptacles are very difficult to handle because of their size and the weight of the garbage in them, which can cause their employees to be injured. The size limit in the Borough’s contract with Gaeta is 64 gallons - see contract language below. Residents using these over-sized receptacles will need to replace them with receptacles that are no more than 64 gallons. For the safety of Gaeta’s employees, please replace any over-sized garbage receptacles as soon as possible. Going forward, Gaeta will not be dumping garbage from these containers.

Contract with Gaeta – “All garbage and trash shall be thoroughly drained of all water and placed in a non-leaking receptacle. A maximum of four receptacles or rigid reusable containers made of plastic or metal, not to exceed 64 gallons, with lids. Each container shall weigh no more than 50 pounds. You may also place one large item of furniture with each collection. Greater amounts need to be collected privately. The household garbage cannot contain any construction debris, including concrete, rock, brick, sheetrock, wood, block, old asphalt, shingles, or roofing materials. Any material generated during construction work, will not be collected.”