Pride in Franklin Lakes is Picking Up After Your Dog
Walking around Franklin Lakes in all of our parks and trails, I have noticed (as have many others): dog poop throughout the Borough; dogs not on leashes; and dogs on our playing fields. How disappointing it is to see that our residents who own dogs are not cleaning up after their pets and following the rules, which are in place for the health and safety of our residents. Our parks and trails are beautiful and for all to enjoy. Please pick up after your dog/s, or if you see someone who’s not following the rules, I encourage you to remind them to please scoop their dogs poop, leash their dog and keep off of recreation fields. We have waste stations, or garbage cans in all of our parks for you to dispose of your filled doggie bags.
The Mayors Wellness Campaign also has doggie bags to hand out. Stop by the Rec office (1 Vichiconti Way) and pick one up! Thank you for helping to keep our parks and paths clean.
Why clean up after your dog?
- Dog poop carries contaminants. Bacteria and diseases from pet waste can be transmitted to people and other pets. Bacteria, parasites, and pathogens in dog feces and contaminate soil and get washed into waterways.
- It's just gross. Would you like to see and smell piles of feces on a daily basis? Or accidentally step in a pile and end up tracking it into your car or home? No? Then don't do it to others. Picking up after your dog isn't only the responsible thing to do, it's also the polite thing to do.
- It's the law. Dog owners are required by Borough ordinance to clean up after their pets. Dog bags are cheap , portable, and widely available (or just use plastic bags).
- Be a good pet ambassador. There is always a lot of 'pushback' from individuals or community groups who don't want dogs allowed in venues around town, including parks. Some will even lobby to get rid of current dog parks due to the overwhelming number of owners who refuse to clean up after their dogs. Be a good ambassador for dog owners: pick up after your dog, immediately and consistently.
Why are dog leashes important?
- Prevent dogs from running into dangerous situations, such as busy roads or dangerous wildlife.
- Control their behavior and prevent them from aggressively running off or approaching strangers or other dogs.
- Keep dogs safe and under control while out in public and to serve as a training aid (when used properly).
- Protect you and your dog from getting hurt.
- Prevent your dog from getting knocked up or knocking up another dog (if they’re not neutered or spayed).
Why must dogs be kept out of ballfields and play areas?
- Dogs on children's playgrounds and sports fields represent a major health and injury hazard: Toxocariasis - a rare infection caused by roundworm parasites, most commonly found in cats, dogs and foxes feces.
- Children and young adults are usually affected due to contact with contaminated soil or sand within play areas by swallowing the infected egg.
- There is evidence that dogs can also carry E.coli and hepatitis in their feces.
- There are over 7,000 admissions to hospital for dog bites and attacks annually in the U.K. and under 10's were most likely to be admitted.
Dina Robinson, Franklin Lakes Community Director