2024 Road Program
From the Mayor and Council
On or about Thursday, August 15, 2024 (weather permitting), construction will commence on the above-referenced project. The work to be performed includes spot repairs to the curbs, followed by milling and paving of the roadways at a later date. This work is funded by the Borough of Franklin Lakes and a grant from the New Jersey Department of Transportation.
The construction will take place on the following roads:
- Hampton Hill Road
- Terrace Road
- Hopi Drive
- Butternut Drive
- Linden Way
- Natures Way
- Santa Fe Trail
There will be some inconvenience regarding access to and from residences. If the curb on your driveway is being repaired, you will need to remove your vehicle from your driveway for a few days, unless you do not need to use it before 7:00 AM. Access will be limited until the end of the day. Every effort will be made to minimize these inconveniences, and all work will be completed as quickly as possible. Please be aware of the “No Parking” signs that will be posted.
We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience due to the construction activities and appreciate your cooperation. If you have any questions or specific concerns, please contact Anthony Paiano at 609-865-0447.