Deer Management - Status of Discussions

The Mayor and Council have listened to presentations by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish & Wildlife (4/23/2024) and by the Animal Protection League of New Jersey (6/18/2024) on different methods for managing the deer population. Since these presentations, there have been no further discussions by the Mayor and Council. The Borough’s Environmental Commission is also reviewing the issue and is scheduling a presentation by Fish & Wildlife at one of their upcoming meetings. It is anticipated that the Mayor and Council will schedule the issue for discussion following the Fish & Wildlife presentation to the Environmental Commission. There has been very little discussion by the Mayor and Council and no decisions have been made. Should the Mayor and Council consider moving forward with some type of deer management program, a dedicated meeting on this topic will be scheduled, with the public being given an opportunity to provide their input.
Last updated 10/2/2024 1:02:49 PM