Projects & Advisory Committees

Franklin Lakes Youth and Recreation Foundation (FLYRF)
Founded in 1996, FLYRF supports our recreation programs and facilities, specifically for our youth programs. Our children deserve the best and FLYRF is committed to seeing they get it. We ask that you support FLYRF by volunteering to help with our fundraisers which include our Annual Oktoberfest, and Opening Day for the Baseball/Softball season, among other planned events. We are looking for volunteers to assist with our different committees. Come join us to help our Recreation stay our recreation, a great sense of pride for Franklin Lakes residents! For more information on ways to help, visit our new website,, or contact one of our members. Thank you for your support!

Green Team Seeks Volunteers for Sustainable Jersey Projects
Franklin Lakes is “going green.”  The Borough has joined many other towns in New Jersey that are trying to become “sustainable” communities. In order to achieve this status, we need to carry out projects that improve energy efficiency in municipal buildings, establish a recycling center, reduce waste, improve our land management and reach out to the community and schools with educational programs and events. Other areas of the Sustainable Jersey program encourage historic preservation, health and wellness initiatives and creation of our own demonstration projects in energy consumption. In addition to helping our environment, recycling also reduces the Borough’s hauling costs and Franklin Lakes will receive both reimbursement and grants from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Solid Waste and Recycling.

The Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission has been appointed by the Mayor and Council to act as the town’s Green Team, but we need volunteers to help carry out the tasks necessary to make us “sustainable.” If you are interested in any of the aspects of becoming “sustainable,” please consider joining the Green Team. No special expertise is needed and there is no time obligation. We will try to place each volunteer in an area in which he or she has a special interest. We hope you will join us in this worthwhile and long term effort.

Please send your name, email address and any other information you think relevant to: