A Successful Summer for the Franklin Lakes Community Garden

From the Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission
The Franklin Lakes Community Garden provided over 100 pounds of fresh vegetables to needy families in Paterson this summer. The Garden, located on a corner of McBride Field, is associated with the Franklin Lakes Methodist Church and CUMAC, Passaic County's largest food bank. During the pandemic, CUMAC has served up to 3,200 people a month, and many of the fresh vegetables are harvested from our Garden. The head of CUMAC, Rose Bates, told our volunteer group leader, "I can tell you the greens have been thoroughly enjoyed by the clients who receive them. Thank you for your work at the town garden. Everyone at CUMAC is grateful."

The Environmental Commission would like to thank the following volunteers for their tireless efforts during a most difficult summer. Their contributions have truly provided healthy nutritional needs to people who would not otherwise receive it. Thank you to: Michael Graham, Linda, Michael and Matthew Altomare, Lana and Thomas King, Marty Coffman, Janet Setter, Ryan Hicks and members of the Girl Scout Troop 9777.

It has been a pleasure to have such enthusiastic volunteers. Please keep the Community Garden in mind when the snow melts and it will again be time to grow and donate our beautiful fresh vegetables to needy families. If you would like to be added to the list of volunteers, contact Carole Holden at cwholden@verizon.net.