Plastic Pollution Crisis

From the Environmental Commission
New Jersey is in a plastic pollution crisis affecting our health, food, water supply and ecosystems. For the past several months, the attention of the New Jersey Legislature has rightly been diverted to the fight against the pandemic caused by COVID-19, but it is now time to return to our fight against plastic pollution.

The Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission strongly urges all our residents to contact Assemblymen Christopher DePhilips at 201-444-9732 and Kevin Rooney at 973-237-1362, to encourage them to vote passage of A1978. The Senate, months ago passed a companion bill, S864. The legislation will go a long way in addressing the terrible plastic pollution problem in our State.

Some stores are again accepting used plastic bags, a sign that reusable bags are safe and must replace single use plastic bags. The Market Basket has a container next to the cart corral in the parking lot. Shop Rite also accepts used plastic bags.

We know that COVID-19 has raised questions regarding the safety of reusable bags. Visit ANJEC to obtain the latest scientific information regarding reusables vs. single use plastics. If we have learned anything during the months long pandemic that the coronavirus has inflicted upon us, it is that science is the only way to develop solutions to health, as well as environmental problems.