
Join Our Team....Volunteer

Message from Mayor Charles J. X. Kahwaty
Volunteerism is the fabric of strong communities. We in Franklin Lakes are very fortunate to have so many dedicated and talented people who contribute to the community unselfishly. There are many ways to get involved with the Borough including seats on boards, commissions or committees.  Volunteering is also a fun and rewarding way to give back to your community in a way where the tangible results of your hard work can be felt immediately.  Listed below are the various areas where volunteers typically serve. Not all areas have open positions but may over time.  Please consider serving as a volunteer and join the growing team who are such a great asset to our Borough.

If you have expertise in a particular area, the time and the desire to volunteer, Franklin Lakes welcomes you! Please complete  the Volunteer for Boards/Committees Application if you are interested in volunteering or e-mail Lynette Sidoti.

Volunteer for Boards/Committees Application

Emergency Services

Ambulance Corps
Calling All Volunteers!  The Franklin Lakes Volunteer Ambulance Corps needs you!  Have you ever asked yourself the question, "In my time of need, who will come to my aid?"

The volunteers of the Franklin Lakes Volunteer Ambulance Corp are here to serve your emergency medical needs day and night, every day of the year. 

We would love to have you come and join us!   You will receive many more benefits than you ever imagined possible. You will:

  • Feel good for life
  • Learn effective first aid skills (Training is provided free of charge!)
  • Be a committed volunteer, helping your friends and neighbors and
  • Work with a great group of people that enjoy helping others

Emergency Medical Technician training is free. EMT training courses are available in Mahwah and Paramus. Prospective Volunteers must be at least 16 years old and must complete EMT training before joining the Corps. The Corps headquarters is on Bender Court. For more details, or to volunteer, visit www.flvac.org and click on "Join our Team" or e-mail contact@flvac.org.

Fire Department
Franklin Lakes Fire Department is 100% volunteer. Volunteers needed. Inquire at the Bender Court Firehouse on Monday nights beginning at 7:30pm or call 201-891-5736.

Office of Emergency Management
Neighbors Helping Neighbors

If an emergency is either imminent or occurring, the Borough’s ability to respond and protect our residents will greatly depend on volunteers augmenting existing emergency services capabilities. We will rely heavily on the use of CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) volunteers, Emergency Management Auxiliary (EMA) volunteers, and volunteers with health-related skills. All volunteers will be added to the Borough’s Emergency Notification System listing and asked to respond if available. For both CERT and EMA, volunteer training covering potential assignments will be provided.

CERT (Community Emergency Response Teams) (CERT) and County Animal Response Team (CART) Volunteers
CERT training provides residents with formal classroom basic training in emergency procedures that allow residents to help their families and fellow residents before, during and after a disaster. Additional classes are available for individuals wishing to train for the County Animal Response Team (CART). Volunteers completing the course will receive an emergency toolkit and diploma.

CERT training includes the following subjects:
•    CERT & Disaster Preparedness
•    Disaster Medical Operations
•    Disaster Fire Suppression and Light Search and Rescue
•    Disaster Psychology and Team Organization
•    Terrorism Awareness - BCOEM
•    Review and Simulation

Residents of Franklin Lakes interested in becoming a CERT member can contact 201-891-4000, ext 1203 or at nwinokur@franklinlakes.org for training schedules and additional information.

Emergency Management Auxiliary (EMA)
The EMA consists of individuals who, on a voluntary basis, are willing to assist if an emergency occurs. A broad range of volunteer opportunities, ranging from general clerical to specific skills are needed. 

Register In Health Related Resource Directory
If a major emergency is declared we may need additional professional resources to augment Emergency Management volunteers. If you have health care related skills we urge you to register in the health related resource directory, contact the Office of Emergency Management.

Boards and Committees Current Vacancies

(updated as of January 2, 2025)
Board of Health
1 Alternate Member
Planning Board
1 Class II Member
Shade Tree Commission
1 Alternate Member

Board of Health
The Board of Health consists of five members of the community appointed by the Mayor and each serving a three year term. The Board of Health is charged with the responsibility and authority of protecting and enhancing the Public Health of the borough.  The Board may adopt such rules and regulations as by law it is permitted, authorized, or empowered to do and which shall, in its judgment, aid in the proper understanding and general enforcement of the public health code.

Environmental Commission
The Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission is established for the protection, development or use of natural resources, including water resources, located within the territorial limits of the Borough. The mission of the Environmental Commission is to promote and enhance the environmental quality of the Borough through natural resource protection, conservation, development, and education.

Library Board of Trustees
Franklin Lakes Public Library Board of Trustees are appointed by the Mayor to serve a term of five years. The Mayor and Superintendent of Schools serve as ex-officio members of the nine-member Board. The mission of the Franklin Lakes Public Library is to make readily available to residents library materials and information services proportionate to levels of demand and use and to provide access to resources outside of the library’s collection. For further information about the Franklin Lakes Public Library Board of Trustees, please click here.

Planning Board
The Planning Board shall exercise its power in regard to the Master Plan, Subdivision control, Site Plan review, Zoning Ordinance review, Capital improvements and variances for subdivisions, site plans and conditional uses. The Board adopted the Master Plan in 2010. If you are a concerned resident and are willing to give your time and expertise to the Borough as a Board Member, please contact Lynette Sidoti in the Mayor’s Office at 201-891-4000 x1204 or Email Lynette.

Recreation & Parks Committee
The Recreation and Park Committee consists of 11 members appointed by the Mayor and Borough Council. All members are borough residents and serve either a two or three year term. The purpose of the committee is to provide general oversight of all recreational programs, park facilities and passive recreation in the borough. 

Shade Tree Commission

Franklin Lakes Shade Tree Commission is seeking volunteers to assist our Shade Tree Commissioners. Residents are encouraged to become involved in the various activities of the Commission which assists/advises our local government in education, monitoring and replanting trees in accordance with guidelines established by the State of NJ.

The community forests add beauty to our borough and increase property values. Trees also decrease regional flooding and erosion. They contribute shade from heat and wind protection form cold.  Trees enhance privacy, buffer noise, and provide homes for wildlife. If you appreciate the value of trees and want to contribute to your community, please consider becoming a shade tree volunteer. 

Zoning Board of Adjustments
The Zoning Board reviews appeals from the decision of the Zoning Officer, requests for interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance, Dimensional Variances, Use Variances, Map Act Variances, Site Plan reviews and Subdivision Approval. The Board has a vacancy for one alternate member. If a resident is interested in serving on the Board, please contact Lynette Sidoti in the Mayor’s Office at 201-891-4000, ext. 1204.

Projects & Advisory Committees

Franklin Lakes Youth and Recreation Foundation (FLYRF)
Founded in 1996, FLYRF supports our recreation programs and facilities, specifically for our youth programs. Our children deserve the best and FLYRF is committed to seeing they get it. We ask that you support FLYRF by volunteering to help with our fundraisers which include our Annual Oktoberfest, and Opening Day for the Baseball/Softball season, among other planned events. We are looking for volunteers to assist with our different committees. Come join us to help our Recreation stay our recreation, a great sense of pride for Franklin Lakes residents! For more information on ways to help, contact one of our members. Thank you for your support!

Green Team Seeks Volunteers for Sustainable Jersey Projects
Franklin Lakes is “going green.”  The Borough has joined many other towns in New Jersey that are trying to become “sustainable” communities. In order to achieve this status, we need to carry out projects that improve energy efficiency in municipal buildings, establish a recycling center, reduce waste, improve our land management and reach out to the community and schools with educational programs and events. Other areas of the Sustainable Jersey program encourage historic preservation, health and wellness initiatives and creation of our own demonstration projects in energy consumption. In addition to helping our environment, recycling also reduces the Borough’s hauling costs and Franklin Lakes will receive both reimbursement and grants from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Solid Waste and Recycling.

The Franklin Lakes Environmental Commission has been appointed by the Mayor and Council to act as the town’s Green Team, but we need volunteers to help carry out the tasks necessary to make us “sustainable.” If you are interested in any of the aspects of becoming “sustainable,” please consider joining the Green Team. No special expertise is needed and there is no time obligation. We will try to place each volunteer in an area in which he or she has a special interest. We hope you will join us in this worthwhile and long term effort.

Please send your name, email address and any other information you think relevant to: greenteam@franklinlakes.org.

Community Service Volunteers

Within several of the Borough's departments, we need assistance with a whole range of tasks - scanning, data input, organizing, filing, etc.  We are looking for volunteers to help us during the summer or during the school year - any time. If you are interested, please contact Lynette Sidoti, the Deputy Borough Administrator.